In our previous email to Members & General Subscribers we promised to upload a Math of Finance page on our website and link it to all the other web pages on the website.
We have just done that.
But let's explain what you will find on the Math of Finance page:
On that page you will find links that take you to Math of Finance related topics (e.g. Interest Rate Conversion Equations).
The links on the page are going to grow organically as we add more Math of Finance related topics on the website.
On the Interest Rate Equations page we have now also added a definition and examples of Basis Points as applied to interest rates.
The next Math of Finance topics we are going to add are Time Value of Money related topics (Discounted Cash Flows, Present Values, Discount Rates, IRR etc).
Here is the web page URL:
We have also added a Finance Terms Definitions page - check the link to this web page on the left hand side links panel of the website.
We thank you for your time.
Best Regards,
1st Analyst Information Services Team